Friday, March 09, 2007

Esther and the Emunotes

I know, sounds like a rock band, right? But before I get to that, here is something REALLY neat that came from my friend Dovid: oddcast tts .
It is pretty cool, check it out and have fun.
Now, back to where I began. Thank you to those of you who prayed for a good attendance last night. Esther was superb, and we had a nice turnout. She is off to Israel today for a few weeks to speak about her book, mating in captivity, and to speak to groups about her experiences.
On an entirely different note, my family will be hosting the Emunotes, a group of children from the Emunah Children's Center, our (connectictut's) sister city. These are children in Israel who have been abused, neglected or have emotional problems, and live in the Sarah Herzog residential facility. 11 ten year old girls will be spending Shabbat in our little town, and singing at our synagogue tomorrow morning after services. Then they will be having lunch with us. I can't wait.... or maybe I can! What were we thinking??????????
Well, not a lot of time today. Have to go home soon and help get ready for the girls.
Hope you all have a peaceful Shabbat!


Unknown said...

It's Duvid or Donald. Dovids usually inspire Lakewood or Yeshivah of Scranton.
But a good chasiddishe chulent unlike a parve cholent.
Shabbat Shalom

Mottel said...

And that,is why he is my friend....